This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Sears and Latina Bloggers Connect.

The holiday is the perfect time to create long-lasting memories and traditions for years– perhaps even centuries!
I think the holidays become so stressful due to the gift buying ordeal. What do you get this and that person?! Well, if you know where to shop like I do there shouldn’t be much of an issue. Sears has always been a store my family visited since I was a kid. They have constant sales on toys, men’s and women’s items, tools, decor and so on. So why not go to a trusted store you were practically raised in? At Sears, you can always count on getting more – more value, more brands, more rewards and more ways to shop – and this holiday season, Sears has partnered with the Huffington Post to highlight Latino Holiday traditions and how Sears can bring some of those traditions to life!
When all the stressful gift buying drama is over and out the way, it’s finally time to settle down with family/friends and enjoy one another.
Growing up I didn’t think I really had any traditions , but looking back on it I guess we did; although, my boyfriend likes to say we did everything backwards. Regardless, It wasn’t Christmas if we didn’t all put the tree up together and decorate it. Nor was it if my dad didn’t make his infamous Jack Daniels hot chocolate with panettone — which by the way I wasn’t able to have a full cup of until I was older! And by the way it was so worth the wait! Or how about trying your best to stay up until midnight to open presents? That was so much work… My family always celebrated Christmas Eve, which I think is a Hispanic thing, haha– or shall I say jaja.
Now having my family we do the same things, but with a remix and so much more than what I grew up on.
First, we wait until Thanksgiving is OFFICIALLY over. We can’t stand the thought of Thanksgiving not having its own day for itself! The first weekend of December we go on our way tree hunting expedition. We start at a diner for breakfast then off to look for the perfect Christmas tree. This year was super fun and a new tradition for my daughter and I since we cut our own down. If you’ve never had a real tree check out what you need to do before getting one check out these helpful hints!
Once home, it’s time to decorate, but of course one must play Christmas music from North Pole radio compliments of iHeartRadio. Then have a dance off/performance like we did in our YouTube channel. And of course have our “Elf On The Shelf” Tong come by the next day.
Thankfully for us my boyfriends family celebrates Christmas Day so we’re able to equally divide our time. With them we’ve included more traditions like making different cookies each year, making our own ornaments to give and playing board games as we wine down the day.
Celebrating the holidays has become something I’ve come to really enjoy especially with my own family’s traditions. Besides, what’s a holiday without tradition?
What are some of yours? Check out how Vanessa Bell does her traditions differently- HuffPost
The Perfect Christmas Tree! -
Jun 1, 2016 at 12:03 am[…] Christmas tree I wrote a blog last year giving some helpful tips- HERE! Or to find out what our family traditions are check out what we do every […]
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